CG Research & Ratings



METRICAL INC. offers corporate governance (CG) ratings of more than 1,800 Japanese public companies.


CG Rating Analysis:

The following links show CG ratings in rating order, alphabetical order and Japanese security # order.

CG Rating (sample): Rating order as of June 30 2024

CG Rating (sample): Alphabetical order as of June 30 2024

CG Rating (sample): Japanese Security # order as of June 30 2024

For more information of CG rating of all company list or specific company, please contact through Information & Inquiry.


Detail of CG rating analysis is described in the following.


 Go to CG Rating Methodology


Advantages of METRICAL CG Research:

1. Analysis by Investment professionals

CG Research and ratings are comprehensively analyzed by qualified and experienced investment professionals.


2. Combination of qualitative and quantitative approach

CG Research and ratings are well combined by qualitative and quantitative method. Analysis is based on appropriate data on a range of CG public information, using qualitative research on CG issues as professionals seek information in analyst meetings and one-on-one meetings with company executives. METRICAL INC. holds CG committees on a monthly basis, discussing on ratings and CG topics.


3. Global standard

METRICAL CG research is based on global standard on CG issues, comply with CFA Institute corporate governance guideline, which is a foundation of global investors. CG research requires global perspective as stocks of public companies are currently invested by investors across the globe.


4. Adding Local point of view

In addition, the research should include local perspective as well. For particularly companies in Japan, lower return of shareholders or ROE has been pointed out for a long term. METRICAL CG research focuses on issues on sustainable growth, shareholders return, cross-holding shares, dividend policy and capital policy in addition to effectiveness of board of directors and transparency of compensation and nomination and etc.


5. Dynamic and practical approach

METRICAL CG research is not static analysis, as the professionals are keen of CG topics in society and the ratings are reviewed on a monthly basis in CG committees. Also, METRICAL CG research and ratings are analyzed for practical users and CG ratings show correlation of stock price performance as stock prices of top CG companies outperform Topix, JPX400 and bottom CG companies.


For public companies that are interested in having CG ratings or needing solutions of improvement in corporate governance, please contact us through Information & Inquiry.


CG Stock Performances:

Also, the company analyzes relationship between stock price performance and corporate governance ratings. The analysis shows obvious divergence in stock performances between “Top CG 20 companies” and market indices of Topix and JPX400.

CG Rating Stock Performance: Top 20 companies Vs. Topix and JPX400 as of June 30 2024


CG Topics:

“Corporate Governance of Japan – Linkage of CG and Value Creation – June 2024” July 2 2023 – New

“Disco (6146) CG Research 8/13/2020” February 7 2021 – New –

“Nichirei (2871) CG Research 8/13/2019” January 12 2020 – New –

“Nintendo (7974) CG Research 4/16/2019” April 16 2019

BDTI News published BDTI/METRICAL Research Update: “Linkage between CG Practice and Value Creation – April 2023” April 29 2023

BDTI/METRICAL CG Joint Research: “METRICALs CG Analysis Now Covers 1,808 Companies, Up From 511, Yielding More Robust Results” March 15 2018

BDTI Seminar held on October 2 2017 “Corporate Governance of Japan – Analysis and Prospects -” October 7 2017

BDTI/METRICAL Research Summary “What Correlates with Superior Corporate Performance?” April 9 2017

“Thinking back of equity issues in 2009 and cost of equity” April 6 2017

“Companies improved CG scores 11/2016-11/2017” December 1 2017

“Attribution analysis of change in CG score 11/2016-11/2017” December 1 2017

“Canon (7751) CG Research 4/8/2017” April 9 2017

“Mandom (4917, JP) CG Research 3/30/2017” 3/30/2017

“Zuken (6947, JP) CG Research /2/21/2017” 2/21/2017

“What company do overseas investors like?” February 3 2017

“A wrong message from Mid-term Management Plan” November 5 2016

“Cross share holdings” September 5 2016

“Corporate Governance scores comparison 2016 vs. 2015” August 2 2016

“Astellas Pharmaceutical (4503) CG Research” July 14 2016

“Case Study of Mitsubishi Motor” May 27 2016

“Issues Regarding Companies with an Audit Committee” April 9 2016

Past CG research reports are shown in the following.

 Go to CG Research Reports


CG Consulting & Solutions:

METRICAL INC. offers consulting and solutions to meet various needs of each client such as an investor, a corporation and other organizations. The services focus on best practices for analyzing CG risk through expertise and experience in investment management, economic research and risk management. By providing customized research and advisory services, the company offers to add value to investment and risk management for clients. The company offers a full service CG solution services. Please refer the following link.


 Go to CG Consulting & Solutions


If investors and other organizations are interested in further research on individual companies listed/not listed on the core-research universe, please contact us through Information & Inquiry. Further research will provide on each customer needs basis.

Please contact to Information & Inquiry.

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